Byggnadsvård Gävleborg/ Building conservation Gävleborg
Besök från länsmuseet / Visit from region museum
Första strykningen färdig / First layer of paint done
#Klara Kafferast & nötta penslar / Coffebreak & used brushes
#Johanna Rengsjö Hembygdsgård. Rengsjö Folk Museum.
Film från kvällsarbete / Film from evening work
Färg! / Colour!
#Yumi painting on the wall
We finished sketching all of the pattern to the wall so that everyone can started painting!First we painted light grey for background and dark blue for the pattern,It was difficult to paint evenly. Our hands were so tired.... we had Japanese sushi party in evening!
If you are interested in textile or old things,you should visit this hostel where I'm living now. Because there are a lot of nice textile things like carpet,curtain,lamp shade, on.
My name is Yumi Arai.I have studied art&craft of textile at Capellagården for 2years with Helena. Until I heard this project from her,I was really looking forward to join it. I wanted to see the barn all finished,but I have to leave before that. I have my Exhibition in Stockholm from September. After that I will go back to Japan. Thank you for everyone who joined her project&good luck!!!